If you are interested in contributing to a yarnbombing:
Yarn Bombing Los Angeles will be covering the facade of the Craft and Folk Art Museum in Los Angeles with granny squares in the spring of 2013, and you can help by sending them crocheted granny squares. Please read through their call for entry carefully to be sure you are sending them what they need!
A secret yarnbombing project in Honolulu is currently in the works. 4" x 4" (10 cm x 10 cm) squares of knit or crochet in any color/fiber are requested, with a deadline of December 15, 2012. YarnStory in Honolulu is available as a dropoff point for finished squares, and there is also a big bag of assorted yarns that are available for use in yarnbombing (for this project or any other project, just go to YarnStory and tell Kim you'd like to pick up some of the yarn for yarnbombing - it's free!).
If you have yarn to donate, YarnStory will accept donations of clean, useable yarn for yarnbombing. TheFUZZ is specifically seeking natural fiber yarns (e.g. 100% wool) in any color/weight/amount, but feel free to bring in whatever you have.
Behind The Wall
On September 20, 2012, ArchiPURLago and I headed over to Kaka'ako for the Behind The Wall fundraiser for 808 Urban (where we met up with fellow yarnstormer HollyGoKnitly). ArchiPURLago offered up "SPAM kit-subis" containing a ring, wristband/coffee cup sleeve, and ready-to-go spamKNITsubi yarnbomb, while HollyGoKnitly helped me get a set of crocheted "diamondback" sleeves onto a BikeBike rack (in front of R&D), and then she crocheted up a hyperbolic coral yarnbomb. NaPURLeon Complex was also there (you can see photos she took here) although I left too early to meet up with her and see the spamKNITsubi and hyperbolic coral yarnbombs get installed. It was great having yarnbombing represented at a street art fundraiser!
After the Yarnstorm
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Installation of TheFuzz yarnbombing at Spalding House |
The yarnbombing installation at Honolulu Museum of Art Spalding House is coming to a close. August 26, 2012, will be your last chance to view the yarnbombing on the grounds (although the monkeypod branch sleeve will remain up for a little while longer, until arrangements can be made to remove it safely).
The Honolulu Museum of Art Spalding House is currently open Tuesday - Saturday from 10 am - 4 pm and Sunday 12 pm - 4 pm, with a Garden Gallery tour, led by a docent, at 1:30 pm Tuesday - Sunday.
Pom Pom Yarnbomb for Stoli Summer Series III
Last week, Granny² smuggled two bags of yarnbombing supplies into the Stoli Summer Series III pool party at The Modern hotel. With the help of Afropocalypse Now, NaPURLeon Complex, and two other yarnbombers who shall remain anonymous, the DJ booth at the party was pom pom yarnbombed in celebration of FLUX Hawaii's launch of the Fall 2012 "Nostalgia" issue. This issue hits the stands Monday, August 13th - check out pages 24 - 25 to see what Jared Yamanuha and John Hook saw.
55' of Mathematical Awesomeness!
The Fibonacci sequenced stripes, in bold sunny colors, span the entire length of one of the tree's longest branches, practically reaching out to touch you or touch your heart is more like it. And the installation had one of the volunteers, Rita Scott, an experienced climber, actually tying off and climbing up into the canopy to seam the final piece together!
See the finished piece and the all TheFuzz yarnbombs at the Honolulu Museum of Art's Spalding House until Art Spree, July 14th. The details, you'll find them here.
A Knitted QR Code?! Now that's High Tech.
It's a knitted QR code! Scan the code with your smart phone and it will send you here, to TheFuzz blog, where you'll find info for TheFuzz's Yarn Bombing Exhibition at the Honolulu Museum of Art's Spalding House. Pretty awesome yeah?! We thought so too.
The lei, saddle and letters were knit by our very own AchiPURLago and Aloha Knitter, Megan (Lilikoiknits on Ravelry), knit the QR code for us. They both did an amazing job!
You can find all the info about TheFuzz Exhibition in our Big Announcement post here. As well as on the Museum's Exhibitions page here.
We invite you to visit Spalding House, our work will be up through July 14th. You can come hang out with us this weekend too. Saturday, June 16th, from 12pm–4pm. We will be offering a yarn bombing workshop! And Sunday, June 17th, from 2pm–4pm. We will be hosting a lecture on yarn bombing and our work. We hope you can join us!

And The BIG Announcement is...
Honolulu Museum of Art Spalding House got YARN BOMBED by TheFuzz!
In conjunction with the second annual International Yarn Bombing Day—June 9th, 2012, Honolulu's inaugural yarn bombing crew, ArchiPURLago, Granny² and Hanasaurusrex, a.k.a. TheFuzz, and their super crew of volunteers and contributors, tagged the gardens of Spalding House.
Representing knit and crochet, traditional and contemporary, funky and fab, we've gone from the teeny tiny to the larger than life, and we'd love to share it with you!
You can come visit TheFuzz yarn bombs anytime in June and through Art Spree in July, 2012.
Every Wednesday and Thursday in June from 2–4pm TheFuzz founders will be at Spalding House for Sit & Knit and we'd love it if you came by to hang out! If you're a knitter or crocheter, bring a project. If you've never knit or crocheted in your life, that's okay, just bring yourself and we'll answer any questions you may have or if you're down for it, we'll show you how!
We will also be hosting a yarn bombing workshop and lecture this weekend, June 16–17th. See below for details.
June 16th, 2012—Yarn Bombing Workshop, 12pm–4pm
We'll have various tools of the trade to show and a project you can make to yarn bomb yourself!
June 17th, 2012—Yarn Bombing Lecture, 2pm–4pm
Come learn about yarn bombing from ArchiPURLago, Granny² and Hanasaurusrex. We'd love to meet you!
July 14th, 2012—Art Spree—Pom Pom Bomb, 10am–4pm
TheFuzz will be at Honolulu Museum of Art Spalding House's annual art-and-performance family fun day making pom poms to yarn-bomb.
July 14th, 2012—Art Spree—Pom Pom Bomb, 10am–4pm
TheFuzz will be at Honolulu Museum of Art Spalding House's annual art-and-performance family fun day making pom poms to yarn-bomb.
The Honolulu Museum of Art Spalding House
2411 Makiki Heights Drive
Honolulu, Hawai‘i 96822
2411 Makiki Heights Drive
Honolulu, Hawai‘i 96822
If you're not familiar with Spalding House, In July 2011, The
Contemporary Museum gifted its collection and assets to the Honolulu
Academy of Arts, merging the two museums.
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art spree,
honolulu academy of art,
honolulu museum of art,
spalding house,
the fuzz,
yarn bombing
Big Project Progress!
Wow! "That's a ton-o-yarn," you say! Well, you'd be right. Stay tuned for the big announcement! This project's going down, err... up, rather, in just a few days!
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Pow Wow Hawaii 2012 | Part II
Here are more pics from Pow Wow Hawaii. I just loooove how the Meter Monster turned out and the Spicket Dragon too! I'm a big fan of Amigurumi, and I made these the same way I would have made them if they were going to be stuffed... I guess they are stuffed; they're stuffed with metal. I think it's rad that they are now covered in something soft and fuzzy ;)
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Pow Wow Hawaii 2012 | Part I
I created several yarn bombs, this one was made up of about 60+ granny squares all sewn together to cover the city "bike" lock in front of Fresh Cafe and Loft in Space. 60 granny squares may not seem like a lot, but factor in that I made them—and my other yarn bombs—all in less than a week, and I'd say that I must have been working some magic of my own!
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3 Texas Bombs
Well hello officer :)
Just added a little greenery to my hometown, Houston, while I was home for the holidays.
I bombed a spam-knitsubi while I was in Houston for AchiPURLago.
And I had to add my two cents outside my favorite toy store in Austin, Texas, Toy Joy.
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Kokua Market Yarn Storming
In October 2011 we were allowed to yarn bomb the outdoor lounge of a local co-op, Kokua Market.
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All images © hanasaurusrex.com

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