It's a knitted QR code! Scan the code with your smart phone and it will send you here, to TheFuzz blog, where you'll find info for TheFuzz's Yarn Bombing Exhibition at the Honolulu Museum of Art's Spalding House. Pretty awesome yeah?! We thought so too.
The lei, saddle and letters were knit by our very own AchiPURLago and Aloha Knitter, Megan (Lilikoiknits on Ravelry), knit the QR code for us. They both did an amazing job!
You can find all the info about TheFuzz Exhibition in our Big Announcement post here. As well as on the Museum's Exhibitions page here.
We invite you to visit Spalding House, our work will be up through July 14th. You can come hang out with us this weekend too. Saturday, June 16th, from 12pm–4pm. We will be offering a yarn bombing workshop! And Sunday, June 17th, from 2pm–4pm. We will be hosting a lecture on yarn bombing and our work. We hope you can join us!